Q & A
What is Quarter Midget Racing?
It is a family oriented sport that involves racing in specially prepared cars. A quarter midget car is a scaled-down version of an actual midget racer, approximately ¼ scale. The cars, rules and safety procedures are designed specifically for kids. They race on oval tracks approximately 1/20 of a mile. Quarter midget racing is divided into 16 classes and divisions with ages ranging from 5-16.
It was started to develop sportsmanship in the children while also providing a family oriented racing activity. In recognition of the drivers, trophies are awarded at Regional, State, and National events. No cash prizes are awarded.
Who got their start in quarter midget racing?
Bobby Labonte, Terry Labonte, Jeff Gordon, Ryan Newman, Ken Schrader, J.J. Yeley, Joey Logano, Justin Allgaier, and Ryan Blaney.
How do I get started?
NCQMA offers two to three Promotional Days throughout the year. These dates are noted on our yearly schedule. This is an opportunity to drive a Quarter Midget without having to purchase one. We will provide the car and all the necessary safety equipment. And, after some simple instructions, your child will be allowed to drive a Quarter Midget on the track with track officials there to assist.
How much does it cost?
Used equipment varies greatly in price. While you can spend much more, most new families can find used packages that include a used car, a motor, a pit cart and even spare parts for $5000 to $7,500 per car. Also, there are new cars that are available from the different chassis manufacturers but of course those will be at a higher cost. A used package is usually the preferred choice for rookies.
Is it safe?
Safety features include full roll cages, multi-point seat harnesses, full face helmets, and other gear. This sport has fewer injuries than little-league football. The NASCAR Youth Series is constantly reviewing and evaluating safety rules to ensure that quarter midget racing remains a safe, competitive sport. In addition, NCQMA has two EMTs on site for our events.
How much does it cost to enter?
NCQMA club races are $35 for the first car (per driver) to register. Any additional cars for a driver are $25 per car. Most of the regional and national events range in price from $55 to $125 per car per event to register.
Where are the races?
There are plenty of opportunities to race throughout the Southeast and beyond. Our club races are held at the North Carolina Quarter Midget Association, located at Exit 72, Peach Orchard Road, Salisbury, N. C. We typically will have around 20-21 club races per year with a couple of additional national and regional races at the track as well. We also hold our Carolina Clash at NCQMA over Easter Weekend. The NASCAR Youth Series offers a National Series and several Regional Series. If your team chooses to travel, rest assured that there are races held coast to coast throughout the year.
Dixie Shootout Series Events
NASCAR Youth Series National Events
What are the different classes?
Regardless of age, all kids are required to participate in the Rookie program. The Rookie program is a non-competitive class designed to make your child comfortable with lining up, passing, getting on and off the track safely and being on the track with other cars. After a driver graduates from Rookie training, there are 16 different Quarter Midget classes for race teams to choose from. Classes are based upon age, weight, and the different motor combinations that are available, with many drivers participating in multiple classes.
Are we able to practice?
Yes. Once you join the NASCAR Youth Series and NCQMA, you are given the code to the track so you can practice as often as you like. Please note that practice is limited on Wednesday (until 5 p.m.) and Sundays (1 – 5 p.m. only) due to the services at the neighboring church on Porter Road.
What does it cost to join?
Currently, the annual cost to join the NASCAR Youth Series is $100. In addition, there is a $200 annual fee to join NCQMA. In addition to providing membership to the USAC and NCQMA organizations, these fees also allow you to be covered by the track insurance.
Need more information?
To find out more information, or to get details on how to join, please send us a message from the contact us page.