HMS Carolina Clash
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HMS Carolina Clash
-About Us
-Track Info
-Become a Member – Club Info
-Members Only
-Job Descriptions
-Rookie Program
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-2025 Schedule
-2024 Points and Results
-Track Records
-Raceday Sign-Ins
-Racing Rules
-Tech Info
-Safety Info
-2018-2023 Points/Results
-2024 Race Registrations
-2024 Race Season Banquet Information
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Become a Member – Club Info
2025 Membership Form
2025 Membership Form
2025 Membership Paperwork
Membership paperwork and all associated fees MUST be filled out prior to practicing on the track for the 2025 season
Membership Type
Please select the type of membership you want. Regular membership is $200, Associate membership is $300 (4 race maximum). Each Alternate Handler is $25 additional
Family Membership with Driver(s)Membership
Associate Membership – 4 Race Maximum, NOT ELIGIBLE for year-end awards
Alternate Handler
Product Name
Primary Handler Name
Primary Handler DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Primary Handler Phone #
Primary Address
Zip Code
Secondary Handler Name (Usually Spouse)
Secondary Handler DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Phone Number
Secondary Handler Address (if different from above)
Zip Code
Primary Email
Secondary Email
Driver 1 Name
Driver 1 DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Rookie? Yes or No
Driver 2 Name
Driver 2 DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Rookie? Yes or No
Driver 3 Name
Driver 3 DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Rookie? Yes or No
Driver 4 Name
Driver 4 DOB
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Rookie? Yes or No
How many additional handlers do you need to add to your membership?
Alternate Handler Name – $25 additional
Alternate Handler Address
Alternate Handler Phone Number
Alternate Handler City/St.Zip
Alternate Handler Name – $25 additional
Alternate Handler Address
Alternate Handler Phone Number
Alternate Handler City/St.Zip
Membership Form Consent
By signing below, I am stating that I have reviewed and understand all rules, regulations, and policies of NCQMA. I understand that I will be held accountable for any and all violations and should I receive any penalties as a result of a violation, the NCQMA Board and Race Day Officials cannot be held responsible or liable. I am also accepting all responsibilities associated with being a member of NCQMA, including the Zero Tolerance Policy and the Opening/Closing, Work Detail Policy & Arrive & Drive. I understand and agree to the penalties that will result if I do not comply. I also understand that neither NCQMA nor any of its Board members are responsible for personal property left on NCQMA grounds.
I, as the person filling out this form, acknowledge that I understand the above statement. Please list all family members names below.
Primary Handler Name
Secondary Handler Name
Alt. Handler Name
Driver 1 Name
Driver 2 Name
Please only fil out the section below if you wish to renew your 2024 parking space, change your parking space, or purchase a new parking space.
Will you be purchasing a new spot, changing your current spot, or renewing your spot?
Yes, I will be purchasing new, changing or renewing my 2025 parking space
No, I am not interested in obtaining a parking space for the 2025 season
To help raise money for targeted facility improvements, NCQMA provides the opportunity for its members to pay for reserved parking/pit spots around the track. Parking diagram of the NCQMA facility is located on the website. Renewals must be submitted AND paid for before February 2, 2025, to keep the existing spot. NCQMA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged trailers, RVs, quarter midgets, or other member property.
Please select the check box to acknowledge the NCQMA Parking Rules
• In 2025, NCQMA will update its reserved parking policies to better accommodate our growing membership. Full-time club members may purchase parking spots equal to the number of cars they race as a family, with a maximum of four spots per family, regardless of the total cars raced. For example: If you race three cars, you may purchase up to three spots. If you race five cars, you may purchase a maximum of four spots.
This policy applies only to members purchasing new spots or relocating for the 2025 season. Members who retain their current parking locations or have more spots than cars they race will be grandfathered in under the new rule. Additionally, members racing one car will be allowed to reserve up to two spots to allow for future growth.
I acknowledge
• To retain your reserved parking spot(s) for the 2026 season, members MUST participate in a minimum of five TOTAL races from the Championship and/or Summer Series during the 2025 season. This requirement represents 25% of the combined total races for both series.
New families purchasing spots after August 2025 are exempt from this requirement for their first season.
I acknowledge
• Cost: Premium Electric parking annual fee of $200.00. Regular parking annual fee of $80. Note: If you have 2 spots in premium parking, only one will be assessed the $200.00 fee, entitling you to one electric plug‐ in, the other would remain at $80.00. Unless you plan on using 2 electric plug ins then it would be an additional $200.00. Max of 2 premium spots and only if available.
I acknowledge
• Premium Spots: All trailers must be UNPLUGGED when they are not being occupied. If you leave the track without unplugging your trailer, it will be unplugged for you.
I acknowledge
• Slides/awnings must be in on all Trailers/RVs and belongings picked up after the end of the race weekend. Members are responsible for keeping their reserved parking/pit area clean and free of trash and debris.
I acknowledge
• Members are responsible for moving any trailers/RVs in their parking spot before mowing at the track or must mow/trim their parking spot themselves. Members will be notified of when mowing is scheduled via the member chat. If you do not adhere to the parking spot maintenance requirements, you will be given a warning. Failure to maintain parking spot after your warning will result in a $20 fine per offense that will be assessed at the following club race, and you will forfeit your right to renew that spot in the 2026 race season.
I acknowledge
• At the end of the 2025 race season, Trailers/RVs need to be moved off the grass and in designated “off season” parking area. Please contact the track director at the end of the season if you need “off season” parking.
I acknowledge
• If you will not be using your designated parking space for more than 3 consecutive club race events, you will be asked to move your trailer to a designated area on‐site so your pit space can be utilized by others racing.
I acknowledge
• Premium Parking Eligibility -Members with premium parking spots in 2025 must participate for points in the Championship Series (Saturday Series) to be eligible for renewal of those spots in the 2026 season. This requirement is mandatory.
I acknowledge
Parking Space Selection
Please fill out the fields below to indicate your parking space selections: See the below parking map as of January 2025
NCQMA Member Name
Email Address
Number of Cars raced at NCQMA
Number of Spots Requesting
Please select the type of parking you wish to purchase/renew and indicate the number of spaces below:
Premium Parking
Regular Parking
Product Name
# of PREMIUM spots
# of REGULAR spots
# of NEW spots
# of MOVE/CHANGE Spots
# of RENEWED spots
If NEW or request to MOVE/CHANGE spots, please complete the following
I would like to reserve the following parking/pit spot:
Reserverd Parking Consent
I would like to pay for the above reserved parking/pit space(s) and understand that NCQMA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged trailers, RVs, quarter midgets, or other member property. I also understand that I am responsible for keeping the reserved parking/pit area clean and free of trash/debris. I am also responsible for moving any trailers/RVs in my parking area before mowing or will mow/trim the parking area myself.
I agree and understand the NCQMA Parking Fundraiser rules listed above. Please type in your name below.
Primary Handler Name:
NCQMA Zero Tolerance Policy
We are very proud of our facility, race track, club officials, members, and our family atmosphere. To ensure that your family’s experience here is a positive one, we have instituted a “Zero Tolerance” Policy. Please review the violations below and make sure that everyone associated with your race team is familiar with them. This Policy will be strictly enforced and all decisions will be made by the NCQMA Board of Directors.
Suspension Terms:
Please acknowledge each term below. By acknowledging, you confirm that you are acting on behalf of all members listed on your NCQMA application.
• NCQMA Board can choose to suspend members, driver, and/or handler at Board's discretion. All Driver Suspensions are for that individual Driver only.
I acknowledge
• All Suspension Terms begin the following race date on the schedule or as noted above. All Suspensions will be approved by the Board of Directors in attendance of the race event. Suspension Term will be determined by the Board Members in attendance on the date of violation. Suspension will begin at the date of violation. Suspension Term can carry over to next calendar year.
I acknowledge
• Multiple violations/actions within a 12 month period will receive an extended suspension term.
I acknowledge
• All Suspension Terms may be adjusted due to the severity of the violation by the Board of Directors. Written Notification of Suspension term will be sent, postmarked within 5 days of violation.
I acknowledge
• Appeals must be received in writing within 7 days of receiving written suspension notification. Any race missed due to a DQ or suspension in reference to a filed ZTP will not be allowed to be used as a "drop" in either Championship Series or Summer Series final points.
I acknowledge
• An appeals committee will be set up by the Board of Directors. This committee will consist of 3 NCQMA club members (in good standing with the club), a race day official, and a Board member.
I acknowledge
• ZTP form must be filed within 24 hours after the incident. Form may be submitted in person or emailed to any Board member. The form can be requested from a Board member or downloaded from the members only page on the NCQMA website.
I acknowledge
• All information involving ZTP violations will be kept confidential between the Board and the parties involved.
I acknowledge
ZTP Consent
I have read and understand the NCQMA Zero Tolerance Policy and all of the above statements
Primary Handler Name
Secondary Handler Name
Alt. Handler Name
Driver 1 Name
Driver 2 Name
Authorization for Publicity Usage – Family
Please acknowledge the below statements. If you wish to not have your pictures taken or used for promotional material, please reach out to NCQMA track secretary immediately.
I DO NOT wish to have any photos taken or photos to be used in any promotional material.
I hereby grant the North Carolina Quarter Midget Association (“NCQMA”) permission to use photographs, motion pictures/videos, and/or audio recordings containing my name and likeness and/or the name and likeness of my minor child(ren), with or without racing equipment, taken, made, transmitted, reproduced, and/or used during any NCQMA event, including, but not limited to practice, qualifications, the race, and award ceremonies, for publicity and promotional purposes.
I acknowledge
I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of the NCQMA and will not be returned. I also understand that these materials may or may not be displayed on the website or used in any official publications or displays, at the sole discretion of the elected NCQMA Board or Officials.
I acknowledge
I hereby irrevocably authorize the NCQMA to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute the materials for the purposes of publicizing NCQMA’s programs or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy. Additionally, I hereby acknowledge and agree that I have no right, property, or interest in any royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of these materials.
I acknowledge
I hereby hold harmless and release forever discharge the NCQMA and its members from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.
I acknowledge
I am 21 years of age and competent to contract in my own name. I have read this release before signing below and I fully understand its contents, meaning, and the impact of this release.
I agree to the NCQMA Authorization for Publicity Usage Policy
Primary Handler Name
Secondary Handler Name
Alt. Handler Name
Driver 1 Name
Driver 2 Name
Social Media Policy
The USAC Social Media Policy can be found at USAC25.com under Rules & Tech.
Soical Media Poilcy Consent
I have read and understand the USAC Social Media Policy. I agree to abide by this policy.
Primary Handler Name
Secondary Handler Name
Alt. Handler Name
Driver 1 Name
Driver 2 Name
NCQMA Work Detail Policy
We are very proud of our facility and the enjoyment that it brings everyone. To maintain its beauty and functionality, we have implemented three different, but related policies: the Work Detail, Demo Day and the Race Day Opening/Closing Policies. Please review the policies provided and the requirements below. Make sure everyone associated with your race team is familiar with them. These policies will be strictly enforced and all decisions by the NCQMA Board of Directors (BOD) are final.
Race day opening/closing duties will be selected by members via an online signup form. Each family must select a minimum of 2 opening or closing spots (2 openings, 2 closings or 1 opening and 1 closing). The number of required spots may change based on the number of active families each year. Members should report to the assigned captain at the start of duties to receive their tasks and after tasks have been completed to sign off. Failure to check in with the assigned captain at the conclusion of opening/closing duties may result in a penalty.
Members who sign up for opening/closing duties MUST participate on the dates they signed up unless they have made prior arrangements to switch with another family.
NCQMA Work Detail & Race Day Opening/Closing Policies
I agree to the privacy policy.I have read & understand the NCQMA Work Detail & Race Day Opening/Closing Policies.
Primary Handler Name
Secondary Handler Name
Alt. Handler Name
NCQMA Committee Commitment Form
The NCQMA Board of Directors requires every NCQMA family to commit to active participation in one of the six committees at NCQMA. Full member participation is required to ensure that NCQMA is a successful, fun‐filled club.
Please which committee(s) you would like to be on (at least 1 committee choice per family is required)
Special Events
Trophies & Awards
Host Family (New 2025 families not eligible)
I am interested in leading a committee
NCQMA Member Name
Email Address
Payment Type
NCQMA accepts, cash Venmo or check. Any returned checks will result in a $25 fee + any additional bank fees and must be paid within 30 days – or NCQMA membership will be revoked. All membership fees MUST be paid in full by 02/02/2025. If you are paying via Venmo, you will send your payment to @NCQMA-NCQMA in the Venmo app. Please include the primary handler name from your registration and the race date in the memo on your payment.
How will you be be paying your NCQMA 2025 Membership Fee
All membership dues (and USAC Membership) are required to be made prior to any on track practicing in 2025
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